This was a student project by Brian Chen, Chris Belcastro and Chris Popa for Susan Melsop's ARCH 243 course, Spring 2008. Project statement: This project was focused on translation of architectural ideas to full scale installations, site specific, one-to-one scale constructions designed for the environment of Knowlton Hall. The intention is for the projects to focus on the per formative nature of materials and systems through the thematic confrontation with the atmospheric possibilities offered by the effects of particular material behaviors. The goal of Woven Media Blur was to create the effect of a camera motion blur depicting movement and different speeds. The Installation is created out of tightly rolled newspaper and essentially utilizes the technique of weaving. --Brian Chen This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University.
Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives Collection