This was an undergraduate student project by Mark Wilhelmsen for Ryan Palider's ARCH 341 course, Autumn 2004. This project involved a flight memorial for the Wright brothers. The Wright Brothers Flight Memorial dealt with the aspects of ascent and descent and their relationship with early flight. Visitors enter a large atrium and proceed up a series of spiraling ramps, passing through a timeline of galleries ending on the roof. Here visitors have an opportunity to see three of the original Wright Brother's planes. Descent happens along the tops of the galleries, winding back down to ground level. This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. The effort to preserve and digitize drawings in the Student Archives was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: memorial, student work, KSA, CAD, drawings, rendering.