Austin House - Rush Creek Village

Landscape Architecture
Autumn 2017
Design Studio IV
Work Type
3D Models
Rudemiller, Erin
Kentner, Jason Sutton, Parker
This was a student project by Erin Rudemiller for Parker Sutton and Jason Kentner's course LARCH 3940 in Autumn 2017. Austin House is within Rush Creek Village, located in Worthington, OH. The existing conditions found on site included dark and overgrown vegetation, lack of visual interest, and no sense of arrival. There was a path that extended from the top of the hill on the northeast part of the site, down through the yard, over the creek, and up to South St. From the house, one was unable to see the Rush Run Creek, which is arguably the highlight of the site. The Rush Run Creek that flows through the site is severely eroding the stream bank. The residents of Austin House also deal with seasonal flooding that reaches almost all the way to the house. To help mitigate these issues, a system of dams and flooded terraces is created in order to slow down and hold the water on site. Once the first dam fills up, there is a spillway leading to a flooded terrace behind the next dam. Within each flooded terrace, there is a different type of fern on the east side of the water. On the west side of the water, a buffer of dawn redwoods and thicket is utilized. One the south side of Rush Run, where the erosion is the most severe, a blanket of petasites is utilized to help mitigate erosion and storm-water. Due to the overgrown vegetation on site, the family currently living in Austin House did not have an usable outdoor living spaces. This project proposes a series of three terraces. The terrace closest to the house is known as the dining terrace. It is paved with large flagstone so the family is able to furnish the terrace. The middle terrace is a large open lawn for the kids to kick around a soccer ball or play with friends. The last terrace is known as the community terrace. This is a place for the Austin House residents to gather with their neighbors. This project aims to create stronger connections between Austin House and the rest of the Rush Creek community. The existing path connects to a series of mowed path through a pollinator meadow on the east. Extending from the top two terraces, are orthogonal paths leading over the dams and to Yurich and Wakefield Houses. Off the main door is a straight path extending down through each terrace and over a bridge. This creates a safe passage from Austin and the greater community into Rush Creek Village.