The goals for our studio was to thoroughly research and understand the neighborhood of Weinland Park and its context, and then, based on this understanding, envisions alternative design scenarios for the site interface and its residents. While large-scale urban design and planning issues were examined, this studio emphasized physical and social aspects of urban design, and culminated in proposals for specifi c site plans and design details that relate back to overall strategic design and planning ideas including but not limited to four themes: (1) open space and recreation, (2) transportation and mobility, (3) access to fresh food, and (4) green infrastructure
The class fi rst investigated the larger urban context(s) of Weinland Park through precedent studies, data collection, mapping studies, and analysis; based on the investigations, the class focused on a design plan for the revitalization of the proposed study area and strategic locations. The group investigations were guided by readings in urban studies community participation, geography, sociology, ecology, design, and economics. Seminar guest lecturers included community leader, landscape architects, architects, urban designers, nonprofit organizers, public artists, and city officials.
To meet our course objectives, the class engaged in a parallel process called service-learning with our community partners in Weinland Park. Service learning helped students to “gain a deeper understanding of course objectives in the context of civic life.” In addition, the class organized a design workshop (charrette) that provided an opportunity for participation by members of the local community, and it was intended to be an extensive exercise in participative planning and design. The purpose was primarily to gather information from groups of people whose ideas and opinions would be valuable to the process of establishing design guidelines
The studio project was dived into fi ve diff erent phases and each phase builds upon those that precede it. The intention was to provide proposals that offer opportunities to reinvigorate the area in a way that reinforces the existing neighborhood; suggesting standards for future development
Phase I: Visual Survey, Analysis and Asset Mapping
Phase II: Analysis and Mapping: Secondary Source Information and Trends Analysis
Phase III: Community Design Charrette,
Phase IV: Urban Precedents and Concept Plan and Identity Formation
Phase V: Programming, Planning and Design Strategies for Implementation