Cover Page
Learning objectives: Site assessment, planning and design strategies in relation to urban/regional infrastructural systems such as greenways, open spaces systems, transit. 1. Analysis: Working as a studio, the class will explore social and physical aspects of the neighborhood through maps, demographics, diagrams, photographs, and physical models. The analysis provides an opportunity for you to learn about the community. More importantly, effective representation of conditions sets the frame for a future. Analysis is the foundation upon which urban design and development proposals are grounded. 2. Urban Design Framework: The students will transform issues and objectives into a unified vision for their projects with a series of strategies and an urban design framework. The urban design framework will establish a vision for future projects. 3. Urban Design Project: In the final phase, students will focus on detailed, placemaking and representation of urban projects along the Camp Chase Rails with Trails Path. Project areas will require in depth analysis of heritage, historical development, land use, economic opportunities, housing types, environmental issues, and demographic analysis. In addition, the integration of each of the study sites with the larger systems and opportunities in adjacent cities as well as adjacent neighborhoods of Columbus and with the developments at the local community scale will be an essential part of the projects. The outcomes of the Urban Design studio are to be included: in depth analysis of issues and planning for the study area, In addition to initial reporting of fact-finding early in the quarter, there are formal presentations and feed-back mid-quarter and final presentations. Chapter 01 focuses on Analysis and Mapping done with a hands-on approach by the students. Chapter 02 is about the Quantitative research done by the students. Chapter 03 is about the community involvement and students precedent research. Chapter 04 is broken into defining three major networks and student's site specific designs.