Exterior Rendering
With temperatures reaching record highs, civilization has migrated out of desert regions, or other regions uninhabitable otherwise without human technology. This migration has caused civilization to move into mountainous regions and colder climates. If mankind continues to consume and pollute the Earth in this manner, civilization will no longer be able to continue to survive. Fortunately due to Al Gore’s personal team of environmental planners, who came up with Hazard Mitigation Strategy (HMS), a solution to preserve and protect the human race as well as the millions of years of recorded history. < br /> The turn of the century is arriving, the year 2100, and human civilization has reached the point where there is no turning back. Life on Earth’s surface is no longer sustainable, and the best way to extend human existence is the development of underground cities as advised through the Hazard Mitigation Strategy. This process involves the development of Montem Viride, in Latin or in English, the Green Mountain...