Beavercreek Parks & Greenways Master Plan

City and Regional Planning
related to
Kubitza, Josh
The City of Beavercreek has seen a significant change in the city demographics since 2000. To help provide its residents a greater quality of amenities that meet the existing and future residents the City, with the help of the community, has completed the Parks and Greenways Master Plan. The planning team engaged the public throughout the development of the plan. This included a massive public workshop that attracted 50% of the City population. The general public was invited to give public comments on the community needs and areas of improvement. This input provided guidance for developing the community assessment and recommendations. The general public has been extremely positive of the planning process and excited to see a cohesive vision for the community. This plan created a community profile, identified all the existing parks and trails in the city, used National Park and Recreation Association metrics as a baseline. The planning team combined this information with the public input to develop park and trail recommendations. This planning document is just one step forward in the City's goal of completing a cohesive vision for the City of Beavercreek.