Plan for Opportunity: Regional Sustainability Plan for the Mississippi Gulf Coast

City and Regional Planning
Autumn 2013
related to
Kubinski, Brittany Bates, Joshua Nosse-Leirer, Emily
The Plan for Opportunity was a three year undertaking beginning in 2011 that brought together over one hundred organizations and agencies and thousands of individuals in a planning process that has been best described as ‘collaborative.’ This work was funded by a Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). GRPC, as the grant recipient, was the administrative project manager. The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Plan for Opportunity served as staff - the supervising workforce of the planning process. Their responsibility was to devise and follow a planning process that was inclusive and collaborative. As such, representation came from many diverse groups and individuals from the Mississippi Gulf Coast providing ideas throughout the planning process. Social equity was a cornerstone of the planning structure, and the Public Engagement Plan defined specific strategies to reach marginalized populations for involvement in the planning process. The PMC established a governance structure to formalize the planning and plan approval process. The governance was comprised of an executive level committee with the final decision making authority and a managing-level working group that provided on-going guidance, quality control and approval of all planning products before they were submitted to the Executive Committee. The intensive work done on the six topical areas was guided by subcommittees, comprised of technical and nontechnical members from agencies and organizations with direct involvement or tangential interest in the topic. Videos