Work Type
3D Models
Schafer, Ashley
Caicco, Tony
To tour or to travel from place to place, especially for pleasure. to travel among various places while fulfilling engagements. The tour as introduced is the embodiment of contemporary engagement with other systems of habit. It has become an entity of absolute necessity. With prevailing notions of the contemporary state of touring the historical trajectory designates another semantical response. In old english the designation of travail [travel synonym of tour] meaning trouble, work, torment. Travail is a latin derivative of tripalium a three-staked instrument of torture. This becomes the primary causation of travel’s heroic conceptualization, the third trajectory of tour. “Despite the fluid mobility afforded by tele-technologies [tele-scape] and the futility of mobility in a progressively homogenized [and hegemonic] world tourism still accounts for the single largest peaceful movement of people across cultural boundaries in the history of the world.” [valene smith, hosts and guests: the anthology of tourism (1977) “It has been argued that conventional travel remains highly valued precisely to counteract the effects of the technological world.” [diller and scofidio _FLESH] The taxing is the “tour” as generated by various systems - economic, consumption, social, and political. Taxing is of modesty, it is the homeless. the homeless is the “tour” at which the impoverished complacently mobilize for needed substance in order for survival. The leisure is the product of consumerism. it is the “tour” conditioned by economical constraints. It is an embodiment of contemporary conditions.