Entwine Tower (Columbus Co-working Tower)

Spring 2021
Architectural Design IV
MacDonald, Katherine
Sutton, Parker Franco, Michelle
Entwine Tower's form is inspired by a symbiotic relationship between a tree and a vine. Four vine-like spaces, enclosed in perforated metal screens, grow up each face of the tower and create about 36,500 square feet of vegetated outdoor space for the tower's occupants to have constant access to the natural environment. At the base, these vines sprawl outward like roots to welcome pedestrians in a gentle, playful entry sequence. At the top, the vines culminate in a shading canopy for the rooftop garden. The tower responds to the vines by twisting as well, which gives variation to the floorplates and more dynamic views of the city. The twisting form also emphasizes the corners, which become engaging office amenity spaces for a lively co-working environment rather than corner executive offices. Despite Columbus' fluctuating climate, tower residents benefit year-round from environmental design strategies such as the double skin system for passive heating and cooling, solar-responsive shading fins, operable windows, and three distinct climate zones. The tower explores the relationship between exterior, interstitial poche, and interior space as each provides its own thermal comfort zone. Entwine Tower's biophilic design creates a vibrant atmosphere in the workplace, a landmark in the skyline, and a sustainable mark in the city.