Rapid 5: Realize Alum Creek
- Discipline
- City and Regional Planning
- Semester
- Spring 2021
- Course
- Realizing the Plan
- Description
- The initial premise of our studio was to create an implementable plan that furthered the goals of the RAPID 5 Project in the Alum Creek Watershed. With AECOM having created a bold large scale vision with their Elevate Alum Creek plan (discussed on page 10),we chose to create a plan and set of recommendations that are comparatively small scale and easy to implement. This in turn helps our plan act to lay the groundwork for grander visions as people realize the potential of the economic, cultural and ecological assets that exist along the riparian corridor. To help organize our process we developed three primary studio goals to adhere to, those being: 1. Enhancing community engagement and seek input from people and organizations that make use of the Alum Creek Watershed 2. Becoming more knowledgeable on the communities that are directly affected by Alum Creek 3. Expanding upon the ideas put forth in AECOM's vision with clear recommendations and a plan for implementation To help refine the scope of our project that covers such a large corridor we chose to focus in on three nodes along the creek. From North to South, these were Ohio Dominican University, Jeffery Park and Nelson Park, and Hanford Village and Schneider Park. For each of the three nodes we did background research on the area history and demographics, performed S.W.O.T. analyses (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of the existing conditions, and generated a set of recommendations to improve upon several aspects.