My initial concept is to design a building that combines the features of those complicated shaped museums and simple volumetric shaped factories. It started from two curves and then transformed into two basic volume that are both organized radially. The warehouse can be basically divided into public space and private space. The public space that contains gallery, open archive and café is facing the museums side and also connected to the main visitor circulation on campus, whereas the private space is adjacent to the factories that are located more inside of campus. In terms of the layout of spaces, for gallery and open archives, I was inspired by one of the most well known chairs that Vitra collects which is the wiggle side chair, so I just took advantage of its wiggle shape and revised it a bit to organize the two open spaces whereas the private space is more ordered compared to the public space. For the two open archives, they are differentiated by the datum walls wrapping around the courtyard since this half of the walls forces people’s view to be outward whereas the other half forces inward as people go around the aisle, therefore this part of archive is designed more openly compared to the other in order to react to the datum walls. Each archive has two types of interior space, parts of them are more open and free and the rest are more organized and more in sequence as well. In terms of circulation, visitors come into the warehouse from the big entrance and then they can walk around the gallery, open archive and open courtyard in the center. For the workers, they are going to enter the work space through the back of the building so that it separates them from visitors.