Subdivisions of Jefferson County, Louisville, KY

Project 4 – Subdivisions of Jefferson County/ Louisville, KY – was created to display the growth of the city of Louisville dating back to the early 20th century. With this being my hometown as well as a city built on the shores of the Ohio River, I thought creating a map displaying the subdivisions of the city would show the expansion of the city rather well. With a family that works in residential land development in Louisville, I knew creating a map would not only be interesting to see, but helpful in identifying areas of the county/ city which have not been developed. Using shapefiles and ArcGIS I identified the boundaries of the city/county, major roads, as well as each current and proposed subdivision dating from 1903 to present. While the project itself was not entirely research driven, the data I collected showed just what I suspected, that the city is expanding in all directions and constructing subdivisions out in the suburbs and away from the city center. While it is no surprise that a city like Louisville would expand in such a manner, the methods I used to complete this project displayed the information in a more interesting way.