Spring 2022
Architectural Design IV
Gobburu, Hima Bennett, Siana
Gibson, Chad
To break up the monotony of rectilinear towers found in Columbus, we wanted to create a tower that would be unique in challenging those norms. By dividing the tower horizontally into multiple rectangular prisms, we were able to manipulate these shapes individually. These different volumes created a system where we could assign programmatic elements to each one such as lobby, gym, and office space. The majority of the public programming is towards the bottom of the tower which welcomes and entertains visitors. The bottom block contains the lobby, as well as a shopping complex to attract visitors inside. Three different blocks towards the top are given to the workspace. We wanted to continue the playful organization of space and program into the private spaces as well so we made open offices. The workspaces here are divided by trays or floor plates that do not span the entire length of the volume. This is a way to encourage community amongst the workers and can divide work or specific tasks by floor. Another standout feature of our tower is the core. We wanted the core to be not just a mechanism to aid vertical circulation, but to be experiential and sculptural. By removing the core from the inside of the tower, it becomes a separate object on the site and becomes something memorable for all visitors and workers.