This project explores the idea of permeability and transparency in a live/work space through the guidance of circulation, breakdown of structure, and integration of landscape. The general design of the housing project is defined by two main flows of circulation - first coming off the busy Rich Street into a large public plaza with a performance space and seating at the end, and then into secondary axes of circulation transitioning towards residential and green areas. It is through these secondary axes of circulation that the greenscape is brought into the site to create a transparent separation between landscape and urban space. The ideas of permeability and transparency were important in creating a balanced live/work space. The structure of each building begins to break down both in plan and sectionally. This suggests a permeable edge. This breakdown also creates dynamic interior spaces and more semi-public spaces with occupiable roofs. The language developed through this is continued throughout the rest of the project in various ways allowing for unique apartments for every resident following along this basic typology. In this way, a dynamic, permeable, lively housing project is made.