How Safe is the Transit System for Women?
- Discipline
- City and Regional Planning
- Semester
- Autumn 2022
- Course
- History and Law
- Work Type
- Presentation
- student
- Alagah, Tiba Conley, Laney
- faculty
- Korniyenko, Gala Conley, Laney
- Description
- This project dives into the lack of safety for women within the transit system, specifically in Columbus, Ohio, and the pieces that have resulted in this being such a problem. Around 35 students and staff were surveyed from The Ohio State University, and many were able to speak on their experiences with the transit system. The survey was taken by both males and females, allowing their personal experiences to be compared, showing how women struggle more oOen; this survey was anonymous, and the only personal idenQty that was used was gender. Besides the survey, a lot of research was done to see how much Columbus cared about this issue, and if the rising city plans in Columbus addressed women and their relaQonship with the transit system. In the survey, some quesQons asked for soluQons or details that the respondents could think of that would make the transit system safe for women. From gathering these details and soluQons to brainstorming and looking over other city plans, a special plan was developed for Columbus that targets the issues that fall short within the transit system. This plan goes into detail, uQlizing mulQple sources from grand plans in different ciQes such as Cleveland, Ohio and Chicago, Illinois. Sources from the Columbus government were discussed specifying who can make this plan come to life. Keywords: TransportaQon, Women, Unsafety, Gender, Research, City Plan, Survey