Indianola Informal K-5 Elementary School

Autumn 2022
Architectural Design III
Work Type
3D Models
Schneider, Anna
Evwaraye, Ochuko
The site is located across the street from an existing elementary school that focuses on informal learning. The form of the new building mimics the footprint of the other school but with curved edges. This was done to create a sense of movement throughout the building and organize the rooms in a way that allows plenty of natural light to penetrate the space. The lower level classrooms have access to courtyards that can be used during and in between classes to expose the kids to nature throughout the day. The rooms are also all separate to help younger grades focus better. The upper level classrooms have access to a large roof garden and individual decks that promote interaction between older grades. The library overlooks the ravine on the upper level to produce a quieter, more reflective space. And the science and art rooms have access to the ravine for science experiments and outdoor art projects. The building is shifted to the left of the site to accommodate a large area for fields and black tops to be used during recess by students and after school hours by the surrounding community.