Landscape Architecture
Autumn 2022
Design II
What if we designed a landscape to fail? For our project, titled Planned Breakdown, we created a space that leans into the natural changes that occur in a landscape and facilitates the transition from new to old all in one experience. We created mounds from all the dense matter, the concrete and the asphalt, that was uprooted from the existing site as well as any other that have lived out its life on other sites. We designed the mounds to fail and deteriorate over time by pushing slope to be bigger than the angle of repose of the material, which will cause the concrete and asphalt to slump down resulting in the mounds crumbling and spreading over time. The older mounds continue to evolve and change while newer ones are being added. This allows people to see the transition from freshly built mounds to well established mounds as they walk through the site. This space creates its own unique experience throughout, caused by its constant change, which is something to be inspired by, rather than discouraged.