Play Dead Jake Bibbo + Laiqa Gotosuputro Fall 2023 Instructer: Ashley Bigham Play Dead is a reimagination of the traditional cemetery, incorporating aspects of humor and play in order to allow death to be viewed as more approachable in our society. Our design process began with a series of collages, combining different spaces and figures, setting the tone for the project. This led to the creation of a form that encourages people to assume positions associated with death or to “play dead”. This form, coined the “Slump” is incorporated throughout the landscape, as well as soft furniture versions in the interior. The project also challenges ideas of remains, in which physical human bodies are replaced with artifacts that tell the stories of people's lives. These artifacts are displayed in the library of remains, located at the center of the landscape. Here, visitors can interact with the objects, allowing them to “play with the dead”.