Redefining Domesticity: Miami as Drama

Spring 2023
Work Type
3D Models
Ordonez, Maverick
Ansari, Iman
As the environment changes, humanity’s way of life is also called to adjust. Not only do we, collectively, have to confront and change according to the climate, but also socially. With today’s constant changes in our environment, habits that humans are accustomed to like eating meat, burying bodies, water use, and individualistic lifestyles need to change. What if habits of eating changed where we farmed insects? What if a kitchen is shared amongst a community? Situated on five stations through Miami, architectural characters play out scenarios of new ways of life in the future, along with human characters. Each station is a chapter, or an “act” that showcases what aspects of life humans need to change. Each station houses architectural characters that correspond to five different topics regarding human domesticity, health, community, rest, making, and learning. These five topics directly tackle how we are living now and what we need to change. The human characters exhibit on how to live in the future by using said spaces. These architectural objects are carried on train cars and travel through the local elevated rail, in a way to make the traveling theater accessible for the surrounding neighborhoods. Each character has a specific programmatic purpose, where people waiting for the train could interact with the ensemble, acting out and experiencing an aspect of revised domesticity according to our changing environment. As the train moves throughout the city, it carries a part of the characters and gets situated in a different station, combining with a different half of a different character. With this combination, it creates a new type of program, activating a new way to use a space. It creates new ways of living and using the space. It becomes more about the event that is happening within the architecture. What if people bathed and worshiped in the same space? Or cooked and buried a loved one at the same time? Again, a new way of life.