Axon diagram
Our main idea for the site was to bridge the gap that Olentangy river currently creates between the west and east boundaries. The current design of the buildings along the river turned their backs to the river and we want to open it up to create a central point. We want to make the river an essential point of our site and bridge the gap between the neighborhood on the park side and the commercial area on the Kohl’s side.

One of our design elements that supports our main idea is a prominent East to West axis that spans the length of our site. It begins with a bridge over the river, continues along our athletic field where it is reinforced with an Allee of trees, and through our school building underneath a covered walkway. It terminates on a boardwalk above a bioretention bed that acts as an ending focal point.

Additionally, we made the decision to lower our athletic field by raising the school building onto a plinth. This sunken field with help to preserve views out onto the river because the vertical change allows for seating to be below ground level. Sinking the field also brings our site down more towards the river, enhancing our overall concept design.

The opportunity to expand our site to Olentangy River road will further help us explore the potential connection between the two sides. Visibility from the busy road will be an important factor to bringing people closer to the river and having it act as a focal point in our design.

Finally, because the river is a large part of our site, we want to ensure that all stormwater waste created within our boundaries is not simply flowing into the Olentangy. To mitigate and filter stormwater runoff, we have implemented a series of biorentention beds that will be filled with gravel and water-loving plant material. These beds will be connected via underground pipes that will leads to a culver, eventually ending up in the river.