Located in the arid region of Figuig in the east of Morocco, our project harnesses the rich hydraulic system of underground canals in Figuig to innovate energy production and water management. Split between an upper plateau and a lower one, Figuig's topography facilitates gravitational forces, expediting water flow. Our project consists of two large wheels: the first, acting as a turbine, channels released water from the upper reservoir to generate energy, stored in a nearby sand battery. The second wheel, inspired by the traditional Saqquiah system, functions as a pump to return water to the upper reservoir. A sterling engine, powered by a solar pond system, activates the pump during nighttime, utilizing temperature differentials. The turbine operates during the day, optimizing the pico-hydro system, while the pump runs at night, supported by solar energy and the sterling engine. Complemented by a platform serving as a communal space, the project fosters community engagement with energy production and social cohesion. This scalable model aims to install similar projects along the cliff of the two plateaus, enhancing sustainability and local empowerment.