2406-2477 Wood Avenue

- Date
- 1948
- Description
- Shown here are Herrick Archives Numbers H 923 - H 931. All nine buildings were acquired by the University. These buildings were never used for any University purposes. H 923 -- Was a one and one-half story frame building, it consisted of four rooms and a bath. H 924 -- Was a three-room frame building with no utilities except electricity. H 925 -- Was a one-story frame building, with six rooms, bath and two rooms in the basement. H 926 -- Was a one-story frame building with four rooms, and no plumbing. H 927 -- Was a one-story frame building with four rooms, and no plumbing. Coal stove used for heating. H 928 -- Was a one-story frame and stucco building with four rooms, no sewer, water or gas. H 929 -- Was a one-story frame building with four rooms, no bath and no basement. H 930 -- Was a one-story concrete block building with four rooms, and no plumbing. H 931 -- Was a one-story frame building with aluminum siding, five rooms, and bath, full basement and a gas furnace. These buildings were located at 2406-2477 Wood Avenue on The Ohio State University campus. Keywords: United States, Ohio, Franklin County, Columbus, OSU, The Ohio State University, Wood Avenue, drawings, residential structures, housing, complexes, campus.