Amateur Keyboard Institute

Spring 2005
Architectural Design Studio II
Visscher, Christina
Visscher, Christina
Wilson, Tate
Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States, NA
This was an undergraduate student project by Christina Visscher for Tate Wilson's ARCH 242 course, Winter 2005. This project involved analysis of the site connections. My initial analysis of the site was of the connections through our building, which is in an integral location between two parks. I used the site connections and analyzed them depending on their relationships to create a voided space, which then began the process of organizing the program around it. The void was a scaled down idea of connection implemented into my project; it was derived from site connections and subsequently served as a major visual connection and a skylight inside of the Amateur Keyboard Institute. -- Christina Visscher. This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. The effort to preserve and digitize drawings in the Student Archives was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: models, student work, site, KSA, voided space, cardboard.