Section A
Autumn 2014
Architectural Design V
Work Type
3D Models
Funkhouser, Melody
Diles, Justin
This project is a combination of two different typologies derived from Bertrand Goldberg's River City and Helmut Jahn's Illinois Center. The central hub is an inverted atrium space where the variation in floor plates creates animated spaces and interesting views. The hub's main attraction is the large window facing the south that allows light to flood into every floor. The dorm houses (derived from River City's shape) surround this hub in a broken ellipse pattern. They are arranged into five separate buildings and each separation point develops an important axial path on the site. The two main axes are on the corner of the site (main entry for the public) and the back entry, which is a grand entry for students that leads directly into the dining hall. The dining hall is the plinth raised above the ground and the connecting piece between all of the dorms into the hub. The facade design on the dorms are balconies that link multiple dorm rooms and become small social hubs.