Spring 2006
Architectural Design Studio II
Talbot, Mark
This was a student project by Mark C. Talbot for Luke Kautz's ARCH 242 course, Winter 2006. The material technique of braiding was employed as the organizational system through which the convergence of multiple modes of transportation could be negotiated simply and algorithmically. Braiding is a technique in which the repetitious overlapping of linear elements organizes them into a perceptual singularity while each element still retains its individuality. In the creation of the transit hub local light rail, regional rail, bussing, car and pedestrian modes were all combined and organized with ease. The flexibility and simplicity of the technique allows for an emergent complexity based on the number of variables and their individual demands, it is through this flexibility that both internal (bus drop off, train platforms, pedestrian circulation) and external (site context) can be negotiated simultaneously without modification to the technique while yielding increasingly complex results. -- Mark Talbot This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. Keywords: student work, KSA, model, Terminal Orientation.