Spring 2006
Architectural Design V
Work Type
3D Models
Jones, Kay Bea
Syp, Marc
This was a student project by Marc Syp for Kay Bea Jones's ARCH 642 course, Winter 2006. The program called for a double house. The clients, a divorced couple with a continuing business relationship and an 11-year old daughter, wanted side-by-side houses with a shared zone for the daughter and work space. The site is a lot on the corner of Russell St. and Pearl Alley in Columbus, OH. The form is generated along a diagonal manipulation of both plan and section, with the central party wall acting as a permeable divider. Each house has a private court and experiences the site fully in the N-S and E-W directions. The houses are connected through common areas at the central hinge point. At the ground floor, the long corridors can be opened up to create a central 8' x 12' common room, connecting the outdoor areas for family and party functions. Above this central area, on the second floor, is a common area for family and business meetings. Above this common area is the daughter's bedroom, which therefore rests on the connection point and has unbiased access to both houses. Materials and fenestration patterns were developed from a series of facade studies that superimposed the faux-Victorian with modernist and contemporary aesthetics. The facade of Double Wall House is designed as a response to the faux historicism that pervades redevelopment in Victorian-era neighborhoods across the United States; it is designed with respect for the scale and rhythm of the existing fabric but with a layering of contemporary attitudes toward light, space, and function. -- Marc Syp This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. This effort was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: student work, KSA, models, residential structures, housing, houses.