Dressing for the Occasion, Human Body as Scaffolding is a student project by Anne Markes for Michael Denison's ARCH 342 course, Winter 2006. The human body is scaffolding in which the clothing folds around to create spaces. The spaces correspond to the outfit one would wear to each specific occasion. Articles of clothing are similar units that serve specific functions. I created similar units by folding pieces of paper using the same three folds, five different ways. These parts become the clothing's hanger condition. The clothing pieces transform from the hanger condition as they stretch out and fold around the body to accommodate program. The tops become the roofs and walls, while the pants and skirt become the floors and walls. Each outfit contains one accessory which becomes the means of accessing the outfit: the boots allows entry from below, the hat approaches the outfit from above, while the purse allows access level with the outfit. The building is a progression of how one would change their clothing throughout the course of one day (beginning in the east and ending in the west), highlighting different moments in time. ---- Anne Markes This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. This effort was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: student work, KSA, models.