This was a student project by Andrew von Lohr for Jane Murphy's ARCH 241 course, Autumn 2004. This project involved analyzing a façade for a particular building. The project had an initial site and building condition. The building condition was a five-story apartment building with the third and forth floors having space for a hostel. The first floor contained a coffee house while the second floor above is open to the coffee house as well as providing space for a student lounge. The fifth floor is for the owner. The building is located on a street corner in an urban setting with a campus of a nearby college down the road. This project explores ideas of tension within the site and the building itself. The tiling that is hung on the outside of the building provides a shell of privacy that grows denser as the space inside becomes more private. In effect, the normal punched-out views that would normally be seen are gone and the view that comes from side windows behind the tiles is permitted. The side façade gives movement coming from the campus to the layers that make up the font façade. --Andrew von Lohr