Cutting into the land to make room for on-the-water rain gardens will create an eco-friendly environment. An overlook and underneath dock will develop spectacular views of the city and bring people right to the water's edge. A public amphitheater with the stage in the center close to the water's edge engages people with the Scioto peninsula. Emerging from the landscape is a small public gallery space facing the cityscape (placed off center so as not to disrupt views across the riverbank at COSI), which simultaneously provides a green roof for people to lounge on and gaze out at the water. The materials used in this project will include concrete, boardwalk, lawn, and native plant material in order to draw parallels from the city to nature, Similar to the materials used in Edge park in New York City. The place will be similar to the KC Headquarters project in Hungary. The program draws inspiration from a design competition winner for the Wililamsburn waterfront. The project calls for a simple, affordable plant palette with lots of native, wild grasses and shrubs as well as trees with good fall color and some lightly textured evergreens for winter appeal.