Geroge Wells Knight House, The Ohio State Universtity

George Wells Knight House is shown here as Herrick Archives number 961 and is located at 104 East 15th Avenue. It was voted by the Board of Trustees on February 13, 1950 that this property be entered on the books of The Ohio State University as the George Wells Knight House. In January 1938 the George Wells Knight International House began operations. The building has been used by the university only as residence for international students. By deed dated December 21, 1949 the property was given to the State of Ohio for use by the Ohio State University. The Board of Trustees on April 17, 1964 approved plans prepared by Tibbals, Crumley and Musson for an addition and alterations to the building. Contractors: General - Joe Potter Electrical - Jess Howard Electric Co. On April 15, 1965 the university Architect reported that the project was substantially completed and ready for occupancy.
John H. Herrick Archives, The Ohio State University