Landscape Architecture
Spring 2010
Introductory Analysis & Design:
Johnson, Matthew
The central idea of the proposal is based upon a narrative of the existence of man. First man has no ability to control his environment or he lives at the will of nature. Second man figures out how to stop the cycle of life connected with nature and becomes an independent entity separated from the worlds natural ecology. Human society develops around the idea that the more control over nature one has the better off and easier life would be. Third man starts to realize that this way of living may not be the most efficient way to advance society so it becomes the question, what do we do next. Man must reevaluate his interaction with the world around him and solve the problems we created. The park uses these ideas to design section of the park. While each section is not explicit to one idea because each idea overlaps and works continuously together. So the park became something of an integration of all three ideas throughout. Using this design concept the proposal acts upon these ideas to formulate circulation and program. The park then evolved into a community park that while using the narrative strives to integrate the local community by programmatically setting up space that inspire a togetherness inside the park --Matt Johnson