The Isolation Hospital was located on West Nineteenth Avenue on the Ohio State University campus. General contractor: D. W. McGrath. The building was constructed during World War I for the School of Military Aeronautics. After the war, it became the Maternity Division of the Homeopathic Hospital. Upon discontinuing studies of homeopathic medicine, the building became the Isolation Hospital (ca. 1921-30). This building was constructed under war-time conditions to meet the needs of the School of Military Aeronautics on campus, and the whole process of planning, bidding, and awarding contracts was compressed. The Board authorized the project on March 5, 1918 and contracts were awarded only five weeks later. Alternate names of this structure: Aviation Hospital, Military Hospital, Maternity Hospital, Hospital for School of Military Aeronautics, SATC Hospital, Barracks Hospital, SMA Hospital, Small Animal Building. Keywords: United States, Ohio, Franklin County, Columbus, The Ohio State University, OSU, Herrick Archives building number H 214, institutional buildings, school buildings, health and welfare facilities. University Archives Image # X1514.