The James E. Gui '54 Design Competition was established in 1996 through gifts from James E. Gui (B Arch 1954). Knowlton School of Architecture students take two quarters of their senior year to develop a design project in competition with fellow classmates. Studios were headed by Tom Lewis, Lisa Tilder, Kay Bea Jones, P'Liz Koelker, John Kelleher, and Bart Overly. "The focus of the Fourth Year Design Studios is the complete realization of an architectural idea, from research to constructability as an integrated creative process. Projects are conceived for urban, material, social and cultural contexts that are revealed in six specific sites accross metropolitan Columbus. "Housing plus," is the programmatic theme, with each site and urban condition guiding the direction of the program development toward emphasis on selected parts of the overall dwellings types and amenities determined for each neighborhood. Multi-family housing, hotels, or dormitories are developed in relation to local physical and social condiitions; historic precedence, urban college campuses, commercial centers, parkland/ nature preserves, transportation infrastructure, and hybridized program integration." - - Criteria for Evaluation, 2004 This board was part of the project introduction providing specific studio guidelines for Lewis and Tilder studios. Overall board theme and layout designed by Samuel Brissette. Keywords: Student competition, student work, urban design, Knowlton School of Architecture, studio project. Submitted by Kay Bea Jones for ARCH 441 and 442.