Landscape Architecture
Spring 2005
Community Design Studio
Mcmannis, Tristan
Amidon, Jane
Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States, NA
This was a graduate student project by Tristan McMannis for Jane Amidon's LARCH 750 course, Spring 2005. A land machine as defined by the class is a productive landscape which performs a biological process but has a form imposed by human technology. They generally tend to blur the distinction between the biological processes and the human-induced technological forms. My project is a phytoremediation land machine strategy for the Whittier Peninsula. Phytoremediation by definition is the cleansing of the environment with plants which can either degrade, transpire, accumulate or extract pollutants from different media. The Whittier Peninsula has endured a long and complex history of industrial use resulting in widespread contaminants which endanger human health. The design I proposed is a phytoremediation park in which the main biological process is the cleansing of sediments and water on site. Over time, the project evolves and different uses introduced on the site include, intensive short rotation coppice/forestry, and the construction of a toxic-themed bar with its own associated agricultural fields for producing various ales on-site. The proposed design tries to link time and human use together into a harmonious palimpsest through the utilization of and reference to various social/cultural components of the site's history... - Tristan McMannis This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. The effort to preserve and digitize drawings in the Student Archives was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: drawings, outdoor spaces, parks, grounds, student work, Whittier Peninsula, KSA.