Originally, a spring supplied much of the water for Mirror Lake and was a source of drinking water for both the campus and people living nearby. A city sewer was constructed in the ravine in 1891 on the south side of the lake, but it was so poorly built that the lake and spring disappeared. The sewer was reconstructed in 1892, and water once again flowed through the spring. The increasing coverage of the ground surface by campus buildings and paved areas permanently dried up the spring in the 1920s. After that time, well water, river water, and city water became the sources used to feed water into the lake. The lake holds 91,000 cubic feet of water. Mirror Lake was restored in 2002. According to the University Engineer's Office, the wall surrounding the lake was cracked and badly deteriorating. The renovation project removed the old stacked limestone lake wall, as well as the sidewalks and site furniture surrounding the lake. The new lake wall is comprised of a barely visible concrete, covered with stone veneer. All new sidewalks and site furniture were installed. Other improvements were also made to the area, such as new plantings and landscaping. In mid-October 2002, Buckeye trees will be planted at the west end of the lake. --http://www.osu.edu/features/mirror_lake/ Keywords: United States, Ohio, Franklin County, Columbus, hydraulic structures, landscapes. Submitted by Goldie Ludovici.
Mirror Lake, The Ohio State University