Landscape Architecture
Spring 2006
Community Design Studio
Boswell, Jacob
Amidon, Jane
Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States, NA
This was a graduate student project by Jacob Boswell for Jane Amidon's LARCH 750 course, Spring 2006. The studio asked that we look at ways to incorporate continuous productive landscapes into specific urban situations. My proposal looks at ways in which the City of Pittsburgh might utilize it's large amount of public park space, as well as it's wealth of remnant industrial infrastructure in order to balance it's shrinking population. The project proposed an ephemeral use of park space for floricultural production, balancing the parks budget while providing a new source of industrial employment. My final proposal investigates how the floricultural industry might begin to inhabit remnant infrastructure abandoned by the steel industry. ----Jacob Boswell This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. The effort to preserve and digitize drawings in the Student Archives was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: student work, KSA, drawings and plans.