Work Type
Regenerating Urban Phasing encompasses the gateway of the Hilltop and the proposed trail that will run alongside the camp chase rail line. It spans the land from the I-70 and 670 interchange to Broad Street that incorporates several parks, vacant spaces, and urban conditions. We are proposing a comprehensive plan that will include three phases over a certain amount of time. For the first phase we are proposing the establishment of connections and circulation while integrating existing static conditions within the area. This initial phase will allow complete access to these existing spaces right off the main bike trail. The second phase we are proposing the enhancement of natural spaces through environmental projects including constructed wetlands, vacant lots, and complete streets. This second phase will enhance what is there and add a sustainable element into the scenic areas this place has to offer. The final phase we are suggesting that this space build within the vast vacant spaces it incorporates. By building new it will provide new opportunities for this space and will also give more urban conditions to an area that currently holds a more sub-urban typology.