Work Type
3D Models
Jones, Kay Bea
May, Robert
This was an undergraduate student project by Robert May for ARCH 441 course, Autumn 2004, for instructor Kay Bea Jones. This project involved analysis of building usage throughout the course of the day. The residents of Columbus are living a double life between the suburban periphery and the downtown business hub, connected solely via the common thread of roadways. This constant shift is acknowledged in the layout of the COTA bus routes, with threads existing only to connect FROM hub to periphery rather than WITHIN. With the injection of the new network of program to the site (housing, science school, ballet met, artist studios, and retail), a deviation from the popular lifestyle results, creating a microcosm within the building for the shifting of identity. The program offers an opportunity to display the shift in building usage throughout the course of the day, negotiating between temporal process-related elements and permanent product-related ones. Shared spatial interests are connected in section to suggest the dissolution of identity by program into a transitory identity of common interest: intro/lobby, social/gathering, focal/advertised, media/technology, and community/housing.--Robert May