Singles Housing in Franklinton

- Discipline
- Architecture
- Semester
- Spring 2018
- Work Type
- 3D Models
- designer
- Klablunde, Dean Thomas, Amanda Sims, Katie
- Location
- Columbus, Franklin, Ohio, United States, NA
- Description
- Singles Housing makes accommodation for both the socially affluent individual and the more introverted, private individual. The project fuses the two, while drawing drastic differences among the housing requirements and amenities each may need. The Party Hardy resident, the extrovert, requires constant stimulation which is fulfilled through courtyards and interior public zones that pull you through the site, always providing for chance encounters. The Dance Club acts as a beacon to the site, and the additional social zones blur from outside to inside - from the Neighborhood Bar/Cafe, on to the 'porch' shared with your neighbor and finally to the luxury shower within the unit. Suspended above the action is the Party HardLy lifestyle. This individual is more reflective and private in their day-to-day lives. The unit takes on a monastic quality, with framed views out to the party below or downtown, giving them material for their new book or tempting them to come out and play. ----Dean Klabunde, Katie Sims, Amanda Thomas This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University by Dean Klabunde, Katie Sims, and Amanda Thomas. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present.