Slo-bot House and Gallery: Student project by Daniel Starcher, Winter 2008

Spring 2008
Architectural Design Studio II
Starcher, Daniel
This was a student project by Daniel Starcher for Michael Denison's ARCH 242 course, Winter 2008. In this assignment we were asked to design an art gallery/loft apartment building for the Short North, Columbus, Ohio. My project uses concepts pertaining to photography such as cone of view and aperture to govern the arrangement of program, creation of form and spatial dynamics. The mass of the building was conceived as an extrusion of the site; a cone of view originating from the apartment building across the street and connecting to a Greek Orthodox Cathedral and Eisenman's Convention Center, cuts through the building, removing the core. Rather than allowing the cut to pass completely through the building it stops short; the view that could have been allowed is denied. Instead, a manipulated digital image of the view is projected onto the building's facade, questioning the accuracy of our perceived image of reality. Aperture is the theme of the building's facade where movable screens allow the residents to control privacy and transmission of natural light.