This was a student project by Nicholas Bruckelmeyer, Mohamed Nazmy, Dannielle Bloch and Ryan Gilliland for Stephen Turk's ARCH 243 course, Spring 2007. The Rock is an interactive installation meant to have a direct impact on the flow of traffic and the soundscape within the Knowlton School of architecture. Its shape meant to resemble a rock, was derived through a study involving the effects of rocks or boulders in rivers and streams. Much like a boulder would part the massive amounts of water The Rock is meant to displace people and the flow of traffic within the space it is placed. Also, similar to the eddies created in rivers by rocks the flow of traffic sculpts a communal space where people can sit and interact together without interrupting the new flow of traffic that is crated by The Rock's presence.--Nicholas Bruckelmeyer, Mohammad Nazmy, Dannielle Bloch and Ryan Gilliland Keywords: student work, KSA.~root~>