Site plan
Spring 2007
Work Type
3D Models
Livesey, Robert
Schmiesing, Eric
This was a student project by Eric Schmiesing for Robert Livesey's ARCH 643 course, Spring 2007. My main intention was to have a higher interaction between the various pieces of program in the union and the students on and off campus. By developing a pavilion scheme of rock-like buildings I was able to allow for students to filter through the site creating a stronger connection between high street and campus. The orientation of the buildings are set up to form pockets of green plazas and urban squares providing a more unique experience at Ohio State. The landscape rises to fifteen feet in the middle of the site creating the main north/south circulation allowing for two east/west paths to be covered. Under the raised landscape are the kitchen and maintenance areas, which service all of the main buildings through the covered circulation system. The shape/skin of the buildings was determined by the needs of the program and the type of program within creating a new iconic student union. - Eric Schmiesing