This was a student project by John Risi for John Kelleher's ARCH 441 course, Autumn 2008.
Sunken Green is a design for a Presbyterian theological seminary school in Pittsburgh, PA. The project used multiple elements to organize the site. The site was striated and alternate striations were sunken down to create private green space while the grade striations were public circulation. The seminary block was placed as an object disrupting the striations and exerting it's presence, while the housing was filled in the sunken spaces thus giving the residents use of the private green spaces. Glass penetrations were scattered throughout the site to allow for light and vertical circulation. Lastly, a portion of the site over the community center was shifted down to allow access and create separation from the street level. - John Risi
This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present.