This was an undergraduate student project by Whitney Moore for Mark Ours' ARCH 241 course, Autumn 2005. In the surface operations project, a rigorous technique was developed in order to manipulate a flat surface into one that was self-supporting and had a spacial logic. Therefore, one would be able to produce relationships between the surfaces that could possibly correspond to activities such as walking, driving, and sitting or waiting. Here, a single surface is cut, wrapped and folded numerous times. Through further study, the whole is divided into single surfaces and rotated separately, allowing the whole to remain continuous yet implying the idea of movement. These surfaces produce three paths --two for a pedestrian and one for a car. Through section, as one proceeds from one side to the other, the three paths seem to weave and intersect with one another; however, from other views the paths are realized to be isolated from each other. The pedestrian paths slope up and down, allowing one to take in the landscape, while the car path hinges from the left to right, allowing the surface to become somewhat of a landscape itself. -- Whitney Moore