View of Project
This was a student project by Suzanne Cobb, Spring 2006 for Keoni Fleming's LARCH 356 course. The project goal was to rejuvenate the SWACO landfill site. My design came from tracking trash that I had discarded. I tracked where each object was made and how long it would take to get to me. Then I considered how hard it would be to get each object back from where it came from. Likewise, to get SWACO back to a natural setting would take a long time as well. I used plants to phytoremediate the damaged soil. I also used natural plants to create a park-like setting. The combination of these two plant types created a different feel for each part of the site. One encountering the site would realize that they were in a remediative zone or a natural zone based on if the plants were growing untended or in a grid. -- Suzanne Cobb Keywords: student work, KSA, United States, Ohio, Franklin County, outdoor spaces, Grove City, drawings and plans, planting design.