The Ohio State University Airport, Columbus, Ohio

- Date
- 1948
- Description
- The Airport Building shown (Herrick Archives Building 031) is located at 3160 Case Road. It was never officially named by Board of Trustees action. Alternate names: Original appropriation was for Shops & Hangars, Original construction under caption, Airport Structures. Referred to in some documents as Hangars, Shops & Operations House. Known as Hangars 1, 2, & 3. No. 3 also known as Aerodynamic Laboratory. In October 1973 new names were assigned to this building and part of the attached Fire Crash and Rescue Building (285). The Board of Trustees on November 9, 1953 approved construction by the Ohio National Guard of an 8' x 8' x 12' oil and lubrication storage building between the northwest corner of S 10 and the west corner of Building 31. Keywords: United States, Ohio, Franklin County, Columbus, Don Scott Field, institutional buildings, school buildings, university or college buildings, transportation structures, hangars and control towers, complexes. Herrick Archives Building 031. University Archives Folder 98-6.1.
- Notes
- The Ohio State University Airport (Don Scott Field), Columbus, Ohio