View of Circulation Plan
This was a student project by Amy DeDonato for Kay Bea Jones's ARCH 341 course, Autumn 2007. The project introduces a new housing typology located on the I-670 cap in Columbus, Ohio. Currently Columbus exists in isolation from Goodale Park. The city is lacking a central public space, thus repelling people away to suburban areas for peace, privacy, and interaction with nature. The project proposes a fusion between the natural environment and the industrial urban fabric of the city. A new park serves as a transition point between the Short North and Downtown, thus eliminating the infrastructural boundary of I-670 and uniting the city. Paths cut through the landscape creating multiple surfaces for activities to occur. The housing tenants as well as the public are able to reach their destinations on different levels, thus creating a dramatic experience while maintaining privacy. -- Amy DeDonato Keywords: student work, KSA.