This was a student project by Matt Canterna for Mark Ours's ARCH 342 course, Winter 2006. This project takes a site under the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn, NY as a space existing within the fabric of a dense urban setting composed of many extrinsic forces and systems. These systems are highlighted by the convergence of circulation onto the Brooklyn Bridge as pedestrians and vehicles alike merge from subsidiary streets and sidewalks onto this key piece of infrastructure to cross the river from Brooklyn to Manhattan, and vice versa. This led to a string model study of other extrinsic forces acting upon the site. This model showed a similar pattern of convergence which led to a simple sectional building diagram which prompted the form of the project. The flow of people from city to building, circulation, parking, and other program elements became the representation of the extrinsic forces as they converged within a truss-like structure to develop a linear city within the structure of the larger, urban city of New York. The trusses were then developed from a diagrammatic concept to an architectural idea by becoming purely structure housing all vertical circulation on the sides, mechanical equipment below, and community artist work pads above. These trusses are elevated off the ground plane to not only emphasize the sectional aspects of the converging systems but to also allow a continuation of the green space of the park to the east of the site. ---- Matt Canterna This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present. This effort was sponsored in part by the Graham Foundation. Keywords: student work, KSA, models.
Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives Collection