Urban Trail, A Casino for Downtown Columbus

Work Type
3D Models
Graf, Douglas
Stitt, Alex
This was a student project by Alex Stitt for Douglas Graf's ARCH 442 course, Winter 2007. The project called for a casino, hotel, and retail/restaurant center in the heart of downtown Columbus totaling over one million square feet. As a city without a strong juxtaposition between urban and non-urban moments, the aim of this scheme was to introduce an architectural promenade to Columbus that bridges these two concepts. This path bends in upon itself so that the urban and 'wild'/non-urban pockets come together and become visually linked, however, the experience becomes about wandering between the two, constantly shifting between the direct and indirect access and dialogue of both. The casino sets up the specific organization of the path between the two extremes, which become retail/restaurant program. At the same time, the changes in section that correspond to the change from urban to non-urban are consolidated in the interior casino room so that a hyper-juxtaposition of urban layers become apparent from there: the casino as voyeurism. -- Alex Stitt This work is a part of the online collections of the Knowlton School of Architecture Student Archives, The Ohio State University. It is part of an effort to make accessible student work ranging from the first student that graduated from the program in 1903 to the present.